Accomplishments/ Collaborations

Womens Empowerment Conference, apart of Noah's House

Luckily I was given the opportunity to share my story about my song called "anxiety" and perform it as a part of a video for a very nice young man who was speaking at a womens empowerment conference. Noahs House is a mental health foundation, devoted to assisting the youth with everyday mental health issues

Thankyou to Peter Corio and all the people apart of the Womens Empowerment conference for giving me the opportunity to share my song

Interview on CTV News Windsor

I was fortunate enough to be contacted by a reporter on CTV news who was interested in my story about my song 'Hope' dedicated to healthcare workers struggling through these covid times. I was interviewed and given the opportunity to share my song with my community.

A big Thankyou to Alana Hadadean for the awesome interview and to all the CTV news team for this great opportunity.

A Poem Written in Response to one of my Songs

This amazing poem was written by a very sweet lady who wrote it for me in response to hearing my song called 'Anxiety,' about the mental health issues I've gone through

Thankyou Eva for your very thoughtful and heartfelt poem.

Fanshaw Pining Ceremony

I was fortunate enough to be recognized by a very lovely lady who is currently the program coordinator of the RPN program at the college in London, Ontario. She requested I speak to the new graduates about my story of what it's like being a new nurse during a pandemic and wanted me to share my song 'Hope' with them. It was a great experience and a pleasure to speak and inspire.

A big Thankyou goes out to Shelley Massey, the faculty of the RPN program and all the graduates for this great opportunity.

Newsroom Article at Windsor Regional Hospital for Nurses' Week

I was fortunate enough to be interviwed by my place of employment on Nurses' week about my song 'Hope' dedicated to healthcare workers.It was a great experience and a good way to share my message.

A big Thankyou to Teresinha for the awesome interview and experience.

Interview with 100.7 COOL FM Radio

This past week, COOL FM radio station reached out to me for an interview about my song 'Hope.' I was also told that I was going to be Nurse of the Day on their station May 12th and was kindly given a pizza party to enjoy with my family.

A big Thanks to Dave Tymo for the awesome interview and pizza party. I appreciate the opportunity to share my story with radio listeners.

Bayfield Competition "Rise 2 Fame"

August 21st, I showcased two of my original songs in a singing competition in Bayfield. I acheived second place and I am now moving on to the Western fair to compete for the all of Ontario "Rise 2 Fame" virtual competition!

Thank you to the judges and the town of Bayfield for listening to my virtual audition and live showcase!